Marketing channels and sustainability of agricultural cooperatives: A Study of small-scale coffee and cashew nut farmers in Tanzania
- Agriculture, Marketing, Channels, Sustainability, Coffee, Cashew nuts and AMCOS.
This study aimed at analysing marketing channels and sustainability of agricultural cooperatives: A study of small-scale coffee and cashew nut farmers in Tanzania. Specifically, the study intended to examine the available marketing channels and determine the effect of marketing channel choices to agricultural marketing co-operative societies (AMCOS). However, little is known about the effects of marketing channel choices by farmers to the sustainability of co-operatives. The study collected both quantitative and qualitative data from the primary and secondary sources. The data collection methods included a survey, focus group discussion, key informant interview and documentary review. Content and descriptive statistics analysis were used to analyse the data and finally, the information obtained presented using tables and figures. The findings revealed that socio-demographic information have a great influence on coffee and cashew nuts production among small scale farmers and do determine substantially the amount of the produce sold to AMCOS which later determine the sustainability of AMCOS. In addition, market availability for both coffee and cashew nuts are better today than some years in the past. Small-scale coffee farmers have varieties of marketing channels contrary to the cashew nuts farmers who have only one marketing channel i.e. AMCOS. The study recommends deliberate efforts to be taken by the government through the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with Local Government Authorities to ensure the timely availability of agricultural farming inputs at a subsidized price and timely availability of money in co-operatives at the starting of the harvesting season so that smallholder farmers cannot be compelled to sell their produce elsewhere apart from AMCOS. Furthermore, to ensure the sustainability of AMCOS, youth sensitization at all levels starting from the village, ward, district, region and nation-level must be conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the Local Government Authorities.