- Brand personality, Symbolic brands, Relational marketing.
The “set of human qualities connected with a brand” is referred to as brand personality. Consumers have been shown to infuse brands with human personality qualities, turning them become symbolic brands. Brand personality, from the perspective of the customer, is a method for people to express their personalities and define their lives via tangible goods. From the perspective of a business, brand personality is a way of expressing the benefits of your product in terms of its qualities or status implications.Companies also employ brand personality to set themselves apart from their competitors, which is critical in today’s crowded domestic marketplaces.This article explores the importance of brand personality in the 21st century. It also discusses how can marketer develop a brand personality for their products. In the present study, the design was selected mostly descriptive, as the key objective of the study is to explore the construct of brand personality in relational marketing. The finding of paper suggests thatwhen a brand has a personality, it is simpler to interact with consumers since a customer’s personality qualities may be matched to a brand’s personality features.