Vol. 9 No. 1 (2019): Vol 9, Iss 1, Year 2019
June 30, 2019
- Customer Experience Management, Customer Loyalty, Customer delight, Word of Mouth.
How to Cite
S, K., & P, H. (2019). Customer experience management: importance and its impact on various behavioral outcomes. Journal of Management and Science, 9(1), 45-56. https://doi.org/10.26524/jms.2019.6
Every organization, whether it‟s a market leader or running to attain that position always think of the importance of customer experience improvement. Happy customers do transactions more, spends more, drives growth and promotes the business whereas unhappy customers damages the business soon and throws it away. To determine how much the business flourishes tomorrow, it‟s important to know how the customers feel about it today. Customer Experience Management views and improves the interactions between the business and the customer entirely from customer‟s point of view. This paper focuses on the importance of customer experience management and its impact on various behavioral outcomes
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